You already know what cloud is and what its advantages are if you’re regular readers of our blog. But, you might be unknown its amazingly great features as there are some special things to know as well. As there are different providers of Cloud, you’ll find their features are also varying.
And it can be comparatively advantageous to its users. We don’t have a specific one of them because they all are different and come with dissimilar features. But, there are some common features that come from all providers and add some of your special requirement.
Then, look for your one and it’s the way to get the best cloud service, provider. Well, let’s know about some great features of secure cloud storage that you must need.
Sharing & Syncing Your Files
It’s one of the must-have features of sharing and syncing the files of your cloud storage. As you’re going to use the system for the first time, syncing is a great feature for your files. Also, sharing files is another great feature to share them with other people when you need.
The services you’ll get to use that have developed by Dropbox and they’re a common model when it comes to sync. You’ll find there a sync folder and a system tray icon as the common of sync model. In most time, it works to open your folder and settings menu to sync using a link to the cloud storage.
Providing Security
To place your documents in the cloud without better security is not a good idea. There are issues different issues like criminals may steal your credentials and somebody can read your hidden data. Also, there is an issue of browsing your images by the government or a third hand. That’s why good security is the first and foremost feature to consider strongly before taking their service.
Cloud service providers use some different ways to prevent possible threats for your data. Among them, two-factor authentication is a feature that can stop hackers even if they know your password. So, you should put a strong password when you start using the cloud solution.

Offering Privacy
Your service provider takes enough security steps, but they don’t guarantee your better privacy. You know that government spies on many citizens, so you can fall into this situation. For example, there was a spying project of the US government named the PRISM surveillance program.
It’s very important that you make sure the privacy of the document you keep on the web with those in play. Also, there are some other issues like Dropbox and Google Drive scan your contents and advertise their targeted ads on you.
Getting Mobile Apps
These days, people like to use their smartphone for all purposes. It’s also applicable for the cloud service like DICOM viewer online that they’ll look for an app to use their mobile devices. So, it’s important to have an iOS and Android mobile phone app for them.
But, it’s not a single indicator of a service provider to be good. You should get it when you have found other features are good enough.